Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Why Blog

1. Professional/ Business Credibility
By having a blog you look more legit. It helps your customers believe that you are the expert in your field.

2. Blogging is Still a New Concept
You may not believe this but although blogging has been around for awhile the majority of blogs are personal blogs. Even professional blogs are often done by a business owner who has something to say, but doesn't always stick to business because it is both business and personal. Blogging as a business is still relatively a new concept because up until now businesses didn't realize how blogging worked to drive more customers to their website and more importantly to their doorstep. But, a little credibility takes the customer a long way.

3. Out of Sight Out of Mind
The most important thing to blogging is doing it often. By regularly blogging you are keeping not only your content but also your website up in the rankings because you are relevant. Most business owners are too tired or have too little time to continue blogging as regularly as they need to. That's why blogging is being built into social media marketing if it is used correctly. Social media and blogging should walk hand in hand to reach the masses and convince them of why you are ultimately the right choice to do business with.

4. Social Media Boosts
By sharing your blog across multiple social media outlets you are not only spreading knowledge, but you are spreading the power of your business. Why just share funny cute posts others have done, share your own articles and see how they spread and gain likes for your facebook page and other social media sites.

5. Say Something I'm Getting Over You
Your customers want to know that they've been heard and that their questions are being answered. Through blogging you may be addressing multiple customers needs in just one step. It couldn't be easier to be proactive.

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